Category: Research
LAEDC research note on restaurant jobs at risk
Industry Clusters of LA County: competitive strengths, employment detailed in LAEDC study
The increasing need for university educated workforce in SoCal is explored in new report
Overcoming challenges: stories of perseverance and assistance in LAEDC 2020 Annual Report
LAEDC’s annual report tells the stories of many businesses and their employees who have faced unprecedented crisis in 2020 and managed to move ahead. Read…
LAEDC offers analysis of March 2020 EDD Employment Report for LA County
LAEDC’s Institute for Applied Economics offers analysis below of the March jobs report for LA County published April 17th, 2020 by California EDD. It should…
Ocean Economy report released by LAEDC and Altasea
LA’s “Blue Economy” Represents a Major Jobs, Wage and Tax Revenue Driver Rarely Tracked, LAEDC Says: “Blue Industry Jobs Projected to Grow to 126,000 by…
LAEDC Annual Economic Forecast is published
LAEDC identifies 200K job openings in new labor market reports for CCW
As part of the ongoing effort to help colleges align programs with industry hiring trends, and in partnership with the 19 community colleges in the…
SCAG features LAEDC Economic Update for LA County, preview of EV industry report
SCAG’s no-miss annual Economic Summit featured LAEDC economist Eric Hayes delivering an update on the economy, and Judy Kruger talked about LAEDC’s perspectives on the…
Oil and Gas Industry in California: 2019 Report
LAEDC has published a new report, Oil & Gas In California: The Industry, Its Economic Contribution and User Industries at Risk. Download the report by clicking…
Canada’s economic ties to Southern California highlighted in report
Happy Canada Day, one and all. A new report is now available that highlights the strong connections between our friends to the north and Southern…
Report quantifies economic impact and jobs created by LA’s team sports industry
Today, at the inaugural Los Angeles Sports Summit, a new report was released quantifying the economic impact of sports team activity in the greater LA…
Economic Forecast for San Gabriel Valley published by LAEDC and SGVEP
Dr. Somjita Mitra, Director of the Institute for Applied Economics at LAEDC presented the economic forecast for the San Gabriel Valley on April 4th, 2019…
LAEDC releases Economic Forecast report for 2019-2020
LAEDC has published its annual Economic Forecast report, which covers the US, California, Los Angeles County and the other counties of Southern California. The report…
County’s Economic Development Scorecard is published
Office of LA County CEO has published the latest summary of economic development progress, detailing workforce development, business assistance, financial assistance, capital development and more. …
LA Will See 125,000 Job Openings in Health Care in Next Five Years, According to Center for a Competitive Workforce
LOS ANGELES, CA (May 24, 2018) – In a continuing series of industry deep-dive reports, the Center for a Competitive Workforce today released Health Care…
WTCLA Releases FDI report, Prepares to Honor BYD at 2018 Select LA Investment Summit
LOS ANGELES, CA (May 18, 2017) — The World Trade Center Los Angeles (WTCLA) today released the report Foreign Direct Investment in Southern California, 2018…
What is the Institute for Applied Economics?
It is interesting what kind of reactions people give me when I mention that I am interested in economics. Some people roll their eyes, some…
Getty-led Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Created Over 4,000 Jobs and Celebrated Latin American and Latino Art
LAEDC’s Institute for Applied Economics has found that the Pacific Standard Time LA/LA initiative not only brought the Latin American and Latin art to 2.8 million visitors…
LAEDC Presents San Gabriel Valley Economic Forecast
LAEDC’s Dr. Somjita Mitra presented the San Gabriel Valley economic forecast on March 15th, which projects growth and increasing employment for the region. The LAEDC…
LAEDC publishes Economic Forecast 2018-2019
Report: Digital Media & Entertainment Industry, by Center for Competitive Workforce
Center for a Competitive Workforce (CCW), of which LAEDC is a partner, has published a new report analyzing the Entertainment & Digital Media Industry in…
Economic Update for LA County, From SCAG’s Summit
As part of the SCAG Annual Economic Summit, LAEDC has prepared an economic update for LA County, with information about industries, jobs, educational attainment, real…