The 88 Cities Summit, in its third year, provides a conversation space where leaders across LA County share and create solutions to the economic development challenges our cities and unincorporated communities face.
This year’s topic is: Achieving Inclusive Economic Recovery for our Region
In conversations with expert speakers and elected officials, city managers, and business, educational and nonprofit leaders, you’ll hear best practices from people working on the same challenges you face. Attendees leave with new options and new partners to advance progress on some of the more complex challenges in our regional economy.
The program includes best practices to tackle a variety of economic development challenges, as well as working groups where attendees collaborate and discuss takeaways and validate ideas in their own action plans.
Featured Speakers
LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis (opening remarks)
Jessica Ku Kim, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development, LAEDC
Tunua Thrash-Ntuk, Executive Director, Los Angeles Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC LA)
Otto Solórzano, Acting Director, Department of Workforce Development, Aging, and Community Services (WDACS), LA County
Rafael Carbajal, Director, Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, LA County
Jane Oates, President, WorkingNation
La Mer Walker, Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer, Valence
Amber Meshack, Director, Business, Jobs, & Social Responsibility Division, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
Jacki Bacharch, Executive Director, South Bay Cities Council of Governments
Bill Kehoe, Chief Information Officer, Los Angeles County
Marc Powell Senior Managing Director, Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors LLC
Mariana Holliday, Senior Program Manager, Education to Workforce, Amazon Web Services
Scott Longhurst, Governmental Affairs Manager, Crown Castle
The 88 Cities Summit, in its third year, provides a conversation space where leaders across LA County share and create solutions to the economic development challenges our cities and unincorporated communities face. In conversations with elected officials, expert speakers from business, government and the nonprofit world, you’ll hear best practices from people working on the same challenges you face. Attendees leave with new options and new partners to advance progress on some of the more complex challenges in our regional economy.
In conversations with elected officials and expert speakers from business, education, government and the nonprofit world, you’ll hear best practices from people working on the same challenges you face. Attendees leave with new options and new partners to advance progress on some of the more complex challenges in our regional economy.
Panel discussions will include:
- Community-wide internet connectivity strategies (DIGITAL SOLUTIONS) to close the digital divide, which is essential to achieving inclusive economic recovery.
- Business re-opening, recovery and reinvention (ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS) tools to help cities assist their local small business recovery efforts
- Workforce development programs (LABOR MARKET SOLUTIONS) to help connect your community’s displaced workers and other job seekers with training and hiring opportunities.
We are experiencing an economic transformation like no other. Please join us to discuss the pathways to economic recovery and resiliency for all in LA County.
Attendees include:
- Mayors and City Council Members
- City Managers
- Economic Development Teams
- Planning Teams
- County Officials and Agencies
- Community-based organizations
- Educators
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Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
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Silver Sponsor