e4 Mobility Alliance September Meeting:
Assimilating a Driverless Future: An Autonomous Vehicle Perspective
Friday, September 15 (9:30 am – 11:30 am)
AltCar Expo & Conference
Santa Monica Institute Training Room
330 Olympic Drive (corner of 4th St)
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Join the conversation, be an advanced transportation change maker.
Teleconference Information: Dial-in: (319) 527-2832 | Access Code: 668178
RSVP to Alicia Walker
9:30am – 9:40 am | Welcome/Call to Order |
9:40 am – 10:00 am | Self – Introductions |
10:00am – 11:00 am |
Panel Discussion – Assimilating a Driverless Future: An Autonomous Vehicle Perspective Moderated by Judy Kruger, Director Strategic Initiatives and Cluster Development, LAEDC |
Marco Anderson, Senior Regional Planner, SCAG | |
Eric Rothman, President, HR&A Advisors Joe Iacobuuca, Director of Transit, Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants | |
Blair Schlecter, Director of Economic Development and Government Affairs, Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce Q & A | |
11:00am 11:00am – 11:15am |
Adjourn Networking |