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Jan 24

R.E.D. Talk: The Future of the Talent Ecosystem in LA County – a Diverse & Inclusive Workforce

January 24, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm



LAEDC RED Talk Event Series
Presented by Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
R.E.D. Talks is a series of in-depth discussions with the change agents and innovators who are creating new paradigms and breaking new ground in some of the most dynamic industries across our region. Many of the thought leaders now taking the lead in the new global economy have well-established roots right here in L.A. County. This diverse group of influencers will share their visions for Regional Economic Development (R.E.D) and the role the business community can play in securing a sound future as one of the world’s most vital economic powerhouses. Engage at R.E.D. Talks with the innovators who are charting the global economy’s future right here in Los Angeles.
Topic Overview:
The Future of the Talent Ecosystem in LA County – a Diverse & Inclusive Workforce
With a “tight” labor market, where unemployment is the lowest it’s been in years, business leaders are having difficulty finding and skilled workers to meet their growing demand.  The labor shortage is exacerbated by a mass exodus of retiring baby boomers, tougher immigration restrictions, and college graduates who have no skilled training and no interest in applying for technical jobs.   Knowing that talent is valuable and scarce, it’s now more important than ever before for businesses to adopt a creative and strategic approach to attracting new talent and retaining the good talent they have.
Talent has become a shared responsibility among businesses and communities. Join us to hear from local leaders who are working to institute strategies to elevate and grow their workforce and brand, resulting in an increased ROI. We’ll explore the Talent Ecosystem with a focus on building a culture of diversity and inclusion and transparency aligned with social best practices that are proven to attract and retain the workforce of today, and tomorrow. We will cover themes including diversity and inclusion, the millennial impact and managing a multi-generational workforce.

Featured Speaker

Shannon Sedgewick, Senior Economist, Institute for Applied Economics, LAEDC
In a continuing series of industry deep-dive reports, the Center for a Competitive Workforce (CCW) has released Professional Services in the Los Angeles Basin, which forecasts that by 2021 there will be just under 400,000 payroll jobs in professional services in the LA Basin (LA and Orange Counties combined), resulting from the nearly 14,000 new jobs created from the baseline year of 2016. Nearly half of projected total job openings –over  6,300 – will be in middle-skill occupations that generally pay well and are accessible with less than a bachelor’s degree.  Shannon Sedgwick, co-author of the 2018 Professional Services Report, and Economist in the Institute for Applied Economics (IAE) will present some of her key takeaways from the report and it’s possible ramifications for the future local and global workforce.

Industry Experts

Jessica Ku Kim, Director of Workforce Development, LAEDC
In her role as Director of Workforce Development, Jessica Ku Kim provides strategic direction and leads collaborative efforts to strengthen the alignment of LA County’s workforce and education systems to industry workforce needs. Jessica has intimate knowledge of programs funded on state and national levels including WIA, WIOA, California State Workforce Development Board, U.S. Department of Labor, California Employment Training Panel, and the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO. She has demonstrated success in developing, implementing, and managing workforce development programs for target populations including incumbent workers, new hires, disadvantaged youth, veterans, homeless, individuals with disabilities, and re-entry.
Tammy Nguyen, Talent Aquisition Manager, California Water Service Group
Tammy has over 17 years of experience in Human Resources. Her broad experience includes system implementation, benefits, compensation, employee relations, immigration, talent acquisition, and union relations. Building strong relationships with partners, colleges, universities, educational programs, and with local organizations targeting disadvantaged youths, veterans, and disabilities for workforce talent. Prior to joining Cal Water, she worked for several startup technology companies.
Jan Swinton, Dean of Workforce Development, Glendale Community College
Jan Swinton has been with Glendale Community College since 1980. She is the Associate Dean of Instruction and Workforce Development, working directly with Career & Technical Education programs. She works with K12 Districts, community colleges, four year universities, community and business/industry partners to facilitate collaborative educational and workforce training projects.
Jan has lead partnership projects with Jet Propulsion Laboratory for student internships, faculty externships, technical program curriculum development and joint staff technical training. She also has served as a key partner in projects with the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board, local K12 districts and local universities. She has been successful in the partnership development and implementation of numerous grants related to workforce training and economic development.
Judith Velasco, Director at Verdugo Workforce Development Board
Judith Velasco has nearly 20 years of experience developing new pathways for local workforce talent to realize their full potential. The mission of the Workforce Development Board (VWDB) is to “enhance and inspire California’s local workforce development boards and their partners through strategic advocacy, partnership convening, and capacity building”. Prior to her current tenure as Director at the VWDB, Ms. Velasco spent 15 years developing opportunities directly in the City of Glendale, both as an Operating Manager with the Verdugo Jobs Center and as a Senior Project Coordinator with the City of Los Angeles.
Chris Cagle, Regional Affairs Manager, South Bay Workforce Development Board 
Chris Cagle is the Regional Affairs Manager for the South Bay Workforce Investment Board, an organization that provides “no cost” business and employment services to the South Bay area.

The vision of the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) for meeting workforce development challenges within the 11 cities that comprise our local workforce investment area is one that embraces comprehensive strategies to meet the needs of business for a skilled workforce, while at the same time creating opportunities for workers to prepare for and enter into well-paid careers. 

RED Talks are presented by Bank of America Merrill Lynch

In Partnership with Center for Competitive Workforce Development Council

The Center for a Competitive Workforce (CCW) connects industries with directly with our region’s highest performing college students. Click here to learn more about LAEDC’s ongoing partnership with CCW.


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