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Mar 20

SoCal Aerospace Days

March 20, 2017 @ 3:00 pm - March 24, 2017 @ 5:00 pm

The Southern California Aerospace Council (SCAC) has launched the inaugural “Southern California Aerospace Days” meant to highlight the Aerospace & Defense industry’s vital economic impact on our regional economy. Throughout the week, the SCAC and its partners will feature networking receptions, elected official meet & greets, open houses, a startup “pitch” event, and resolutions by local and regional municipalities. These events will bring together Aerospace & Defense industry leaders throughout LA County.
With over 400 active participants from industry, labor, government, not-for-profit, and education, the SCAC exits to defend southern California’s status as the aerospace capitol of the world, protecting and strengthening aerospace and defense industries, firms, suppliers, and workers currently present in our region, as well as positioning the Southern California mega-region to be the world’s hub for emerging sectors, technologies and occupations that will drive the industry in the future. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Host a partner event! We will be happy to advertise your event with our network and to provide marketing materials to display at the event. Event ideas can include a roundtable discussion, a panel or singular speaker, an open house or facility tour, a reception with your company’s executives, or the like!
  2. Work with your local elected official(s) to pass a resolution in support of the Aerospace and Defense industry and our local military installations. Draft language and sample format can be provided by LAEDC. Contact us here for that information.
  3. Attend our events and represent your organization!
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The schedule for the inaugural Southern California Aerospace Days includes:

Monday, March 20th

SCAC Meeting
5:30pm – 7:30pm
Nixon Peabody
Reception + Networking
RSVP here
Drone Symposium
6pm – 9pm
Cross Campus, DTLA
RSVP here

Tuesday, March 21st

Starburst Accelerator Start-up Pitch
10 am-3pm
Invitation Only
Starburst + SCAC Reception
3pm – 5pm
Registration has closed

Wednesday, March 22nd

Morf3D Facility Tour
El Segundo, CA
Additive Manufacturing
1:30 – 3:30 pm

Thursday, March 23rd

Panel Discussion
Bridging the Gap – Diversity in Aerospace Careers
Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation
Morningside High School
1:30 pm

Friday, March 24th

National Defense Industrial Association
67th Annual West Coast Acquisition Forum & Dinner
Ritz-Carlton in Marina Del Rey
9:30am – 2pm (Forum)
7:30pm – 11pm (Dinner)
Marina Del Rey Ritz Carlton
Purchase tickets here

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March 20, 2017 @ 3:00 pm
March 24, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
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