Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP): Opportunities for California
Thursday, September 17, 2015 8:00-10:00 AM
City Club on Bunker Hill
555 S. Flower Street, 51st Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
Please join us for a breakfast panel discussion on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), the comprehensive free trade deal being negotiated between the United States and the European Union that aims to eliminate or reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to trans-Atlantic trade. If passed, T-TIP could have a significant impact on businesses and major economic sectors in Los Angeles and across California.
Learn more about T-TIP and how it will impact you and your business. A panel of international trade experts from the business, government and think tank communities will share their trade expertise and discuss the benefits of the agreement, the challenges that lie ahead and how your business can benefit from T-TIP.
Ken Hyatt, Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade
U.S. Department of Commerce
Chris O’Connor OBE, Consul General
British Consulate – Los Angeles
Peter Rondorf, Head of Economics and Sciences Dept.
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Marjorie Chorlins, Vice President, European Affairs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Moderated by:
Josh Stanton, Project Manager, Transatlantic Relations
Bertelsmann Foundation
Register at
Please RSVP by September 15th
Please contact Leticia Arias at<>
* Please note: There is no fee to attend this program.