VX2019: Where Clean & Green Tech Marketmakers Meet To Advance The New Energy Economy.
LAEDC is proud to be a supporting organization for VerdeXchange’s 12th annual cross-platform California conference, January 27-29 at the LA Hotel Downtown. Once again, accomplished clean and green tech entrepreneurs, energy & water companies, blue economy mavens, advanced vehicle manufacturers, soft & hardware developers, public policymakers as well as: procurers, innovative financiers, and environmental stewards will gather “under-one-roof” to assess “what’s in-market,” “what’s about to be in-market,” and “what’s needed” in the global, trillion dollar verde economy.
VX2019 will build on and confirm the central thesis of previous VerdeXchange conferences: California and the Western States are opportunity-rich markets for renewables, sustainable practice, and finance as well as portals to all of North America.
In 2018, the 11th annual VerdeXchange Conference (VX2018), in partnership with both the Urban Land Institute-LA’s FutureBuild and NEDO, featured panels involving leading developers, real estate financiers, and public sector planners and environmental regulators from metro Los Angeles and around the world; and leading Japanese companies and centers of research involved with battery and water technologies. They shared case studies of FutureBuild opportunities and technologies now driving green build innovation and sustainable development. Learn more HERE