Planning for Business Operations After Natural Disasters

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Strategies to Reduce the Impact on your Critical Business Systems


If you’re operating a business in California, you need to take steps to improve the chances that your business operations and systems will still run after a natural disaster by planning for Business Continuity, Business Resiliency and Disaster Recovery.

Consider the effects a natural disaster may have on your business, including infrastructure damage that might prevent employees from getting to work for days or weeks. Included in this guide are suggested steps to take to help protect your people and keep your business systems running in that scenario. This will improve your chances of maintaining revenue as well as operations during the region’s recovery.

A great place to start is the Business Resilience Challenge on the Outsmart Disaster website, operated by State of California.  Your tax dollars at work!  LAEDC is a partner in that program.

LAEDC also offers recommendations below for your consideration, and every business is different. Some recom­mendations may be suitable for you and others not. Use this guide as a conversation starter to evaluate the best strategy for your business.

  1. Review the business process flow chart for your organization. Then identify a short list of business operations and related systems that are critical for the company to survive and recover as quickly as possible. Identify the top few critical functions in each department that must continue (based on criteria such as financial, customer or reputational impact) and identify the key employees and alternate employees. Resources are available.1
  2. List and review your suppliers, and consider how supply chain and operational dependencies will be affected by a natural disaster. Ask those providers if they have a business continuity plan, and coordinate your plan with theirs if necessary. After a natural disaster, plan to communicate with them about how the disruption will affect orders and payments. Obtain after-hours phone numbers for these contacts. Before a disaster, invite those companies into your planning exercises.
  3. Define crisis management procedures and individual responsibilities in advance. Management should make sure key staff (and a backup person) with expertise and authority are represented on the crisis management teams to be able to make effective decisions to manage the event impacts. Define a spokesperson to the media and staff. Review plans through an exercise at least annually, to confirm the plans are reasonable and can be executed.
  1. Establish a disaster communications plan for your employees that might include mass email and text notifications to communicate instructions. Several vendors offer specialized mass notification systems to send messages to email, text and voice contact points for pre-defined groups of all sizes.2 The messages can indicate how the disruption has affected the business, who is expected to report to work, where to direct questions, and whether payroll will be affected. Some vendor solutions also allow for two-way communications to account for your personnel electronically. Think about alternate ways to make contact with employees if phone and internet are out. Try text messages if voice calls are unavailable.
  2. Update your phone list of employee home contact numbers and emergency contact information regularly and store that information securely, both in a binder and on the internet (i.e. in the cloud). You can make a pdf of the contact list and email to key staff and ask them to keep a copy on their phones. Key supervisors can keep printed lists handy, including at home, in case the cloud is not immediately accessible. Add an easy process for employees to confirm they are safe.
  3. Test your plans for safety, business continuation and disaster recovery. Have all stakeholders—management, employees, contractors, building management and service providers— participate in annual exercises. Raise awareness with your personnel to ensure they know the actions to take during and after a natural disaster.3
  4. Consult additional guides about personal and family safety and preparedness, such as storing supplies like water, food, batteries, flashlights, etc. If your employees are prepared, they are more likely to report for work. See back page link to “The Seven Steps”

Implement Backup & Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Solutions

Your computing hardware might be damaged in a natural disaster, or off due to extended power outage, or employees might not be at the office to access systems. For these reasons, it is recommended that you utilize the cloud. Employees may be able to remotely access your systems in the cloud and conduct business using mobile computing devices, if you configure this type of remote access.

However, after a natural disaster it may be difficult to get a data signal and access the cloud on mobile phones or other mobile devices, so relying entirely on the cloud creates some uncertainty too. Therefore, it may take some thinking to choose the best path for your business. A mixed model may be best, as described in the next paragraph.

If you have on-premise servers running critical business systems, automate daily backup of data, applications and bootable server images to the cloud, with the option of spooling up your apps in a cloud environment. Several companies4 provide devices that allow you to switch to the cloud in a disaster. This strategy gives you two options: You can run all your critical applications in the cloud so employees can try to access the systems from home. Or if your on-premise servers are still working you might elect to keep them running, an option that could be best if you have power but no internet connectivity.

  1. Engage experts, which might be in the form of a managed service provider (MSP) that can install Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) solutions.5    Many of these providers also offer disaster recovery planning and testing services.
  2. Move your email system to the cloud. Select a email system and install the corresponding app6 on employee smartphones.
  3. Eliminate or reduce reliance on physical computer servers and data storage devices at your premises, for critical transactional systems that capture revenue, manage accounting and banking, and other vital business systems. Look at devices requiring utility electricity and consider alternative power sources such as generators or solar power options.
  4. Specify out-of-region cloud hosting and backup, when engaging vendors or MSPs for cloud-based business continuity, to mitigate the risk that data warehouses in your region will be down.
  5. Install additional smartphone apps if possible, such as banking and accounting apps, so responsible employees can access and manage these systems from their smartphone or tablet/notebook computer. Write down your passwords at home in a secure place. Again, a cautionary note that cell phone service may be spotty or unavailable in the days immediately after a quake. Be sure this additional mobile access does not compromise your internal fraud controls.
  6. Ensure key customer information is replicated or hosted in the cloud (e.g. CRM records). Consider your recovery plan for current project folders that are deliverable in the near future. One option is to transition standard processes for team collaboration on projects to a file sharing network or cloud-based systems7 if you verify that cloud-hosted file sharing meets your security needs.
  1. Improve the chances your employees can get on the internet to manage your systems
    1. Cross-train employees on critical systems and disaster recovery plans, systems and procedures.
    2. Consider whether key employees have two cell service providers, in case one network is down. For example, key employees can carry a company phone on a different network than their personal phone. Consider satellite phones for key staff, which are less affected by natural disasters, (Some satellite providers8 are getting better at data and internet).
    3. Notebook computers may be able to access the internet via the employee’s cellphone “wifi hot-spot” when activated in phone settings. If that is your plan make sure employees take computers home every night.
    4. Issue key employees a small solar charger paired with a large USB battery. It can be company-owned but employees will keep it at home. This will improve the odds that employees can charge smartphones to conduct business if there is an extended regional power outage. For example, a 20 watt solar charger and a 20,000 mAh USB-style battery.
  2. Utilize your location(s) outside of the region to backup or replicate data if your business has offices elsewhere.
  3. Scan important paper documents and back them up securely in the cloud.
  4. Mitigate risk of hacking as you implement any IT strategies. Consider document encryption and/or second-layer authenti­cation to protect financial systems, intellectual property, and confidential data. A cybersecurity consultant may be useful.
  5. Eliminate single points-of-failure on the computer network that might impact your ability to connect (e.g. access points, firewalls and VPNs). These single points of failure might be outside your facility. As part of this, consider 4G LTE failover capability for internet connected devices, if your wired internet connection is down.
  6. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a shutdown interface should be used with your key computers. This will increase the chance that your servers will shut down orderly without data loss. After a natural disaster, power may be on and off in rotating outages, and a UPS (aka battery backup) with shutdown software will mitigate this issue.

Ensure customer-facing presence is operating

  1. Phones: Make arrangements to redirect incoming voice calls to another location, or third party out-of-region answering service provider, or designated out-of-region employee. If you have the option to keep at least one plain-old landline telephone (no ac power required), that may work better than other phone systems after a natural disaster.
  2. Website: Review your website hosting and make sure it will be operating if electricity is out in our local region. Establish a process for posting updates after a quake, regarding your business hours or customer order delays, to reset customer expectations. Your website can also help notify your employees about expectations for business hours and operations. Social media accounts can also be useful to update customers and employees.
  1. Orders: If your business handles customer orders, evaluate how impact­ful loss of services will be to customers and develop a response plan accordingly. At minimum, plan to send emails to customers with updates about delays.

Setup additional financial resiliency

Ask your insurance company if your policy covers natural disasters and more specifically business interruption insurance after a natural disaster, which is often excluded from policies. For example, you may need temporary relocation covered by the policy or coverage for other specific risks.

  1. Pre-establish access-to-capital (or lines of credit) for payroll and other expenses for post-natural disaster, in case revenue is temporarily difficult to process. Some payment processing systems offer loans, for prequalified businesses.
  2. Document key assets and equipment and save pictures with metadata to the cloud.
  3. Digitize transaction processes to accept and disperse funds.
    1. Some companies adjust settings on payroll systems so that in event of a natural disaster the system will automatically process the same payroll amounts as employees received in their recent paycheck. Direct deposit has advantages for employees and can be encouraged.
    2. Work with receivables accounts to ask them to change from paper checks to electronic payments such as ACH, so your revenue isn’t reliant on your physical mailbox and postal mail delivery vans.
  1. Emergency Loans are available from these sources.
    • California IBank disaster relief guaranteed loan program works with Financial Development Corporations (FDCs) and lenders to provide loans for economic injury (e.g. lost revenue) or facility damage. or 916-341-6600.
    • The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides low-interest disaster loans to homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes and most private non-profit organizations. Once a disaster is declared, SBA disaster loans can be used to repair or replace real estate, personal property, machinery and equip­ment, inventory and business assets. SBA offers three different types of disaster loans: Business Physical Disaster Loans to repair or replace property including real estate, inventories, machinery and equipment; Economic Injury Disaster Loans for working capital to help meet ordinary and necessary financial obligations; and Home Disaster Loans. or 800-659-2955.
  2. Prepare for short term cash needs because automated teller machines and bank branches will likely be closed while power is out.

For those companies tied to a physical building, consider the following additional preparations and revenue loss prevention.

  1. Have your building inspected to see if it needs a retrofit. This is an employee safety issue and affects ability to use the building after a natural disaster. Many buildings are designed to remain stable for people to exit, but what’s needed is a higher standard—a building that remains usable after strong, sustained shaking at your location. If you lease, ask your landlord for a seismic structural analysis report.
  2. Budget for retrofit measures in the coming year’s budgeting process, based on the assessment, to at least take initial measures for improvement.
  3. Consider a plan for emergency power, such as adding solar+battery storage to your facility, with a switch to disconnect from the grid.  Another option is signing a contract for delivery9 of a power generator, or install a generator. Establish a regular testing plan for whatever solution you select.
  4. Retailers and distributors can negotiate contingency drop-ship agreements with vendors. This may allow goods delivery to customers even if your primary facility is offline.
  1. Portable IT systems (e.g. notebook versus desktop computer) have some advantages after a natural disaster.
  2. Post-natural disaster inspection by independent, licensed professional engineers can save valuable days. They can expedite inspection and allow you to enter the facility for use, because city inspectors will be heavily backlogged. Ask your city now if it allows a Business Occupancy Resumption Program (BORP) that recognizes independent engineers for this purpose.
  3. Utility services; including electricity, water, sewer, network and gas may be disrupted for weeks or months after a natural disaster. Know where the utility shutoffs are. Consider how your business can operate without utilities for an extended period. For example, automatic doors may need keys and manual operation.
  4. Delivery of mobile offices can be pre-planned via a contract you can negotiate now.9
  5. Protect employees and others in your facility by securing heavy things that might fall, and storing emergency water and rations.

Take the Business Resilience Challenge, provided by, a resource provided by State of California. It reinforces many of the concepts discussed in this guide. Also utilize the Red Cross Ready Rating Program, especially helpful for small businesses.

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