Recap: LAEDC Economic Forecast 2017, presentations, reports, photos, analysis

LAEDC would like to thank sponsors, speakers, attendees for making Economic Forecast event of February 22, 2017 a successful and valuable event. More than 500 of our members, civic, business and government leaders joined us for an overview of the global, national and local economic outlook, followed by a presentation and panel discussion on the social, economic and political outlook for LA County’s Latinos. Not an LAEDC member? Learn more about membership here.

Discussed: Jobs Creation in L.A.

One of the topics explored by LAEDC economist Christine Cooper was the types of jobs being currently created in the L.A. region.  While L.A. has healthy, thriving export-oriented industries including aerospace, advanced transportation, bioscience, entertainment and digital media, recent job creation has been predominantly low-paying occupations like food preparation and in-home health services.  Dr. Cooper offered the perspective that our export-oriented industries in which L.A. has a competitive advantage offer much better wages, and that by collectively fostering growth of employers in those industries, we can lift standards of living and economic opportunity for our residents.  Initiatives and policies that support these industries lead to a stronger economy that helps residents and businesses thrive.  For more information, please read the County-wide Strategic Plan for Economic Development.

Get the Presentations from the Forecast Event:

Steven Wieting, Citi Bank (available on request)

Dr. Christine Cooper, LAEDC: LAEDC_Forecast_Christine Cooper slides_

Dr. Manual Pastor:  LAEDC_Latinos_LA_County_M-Pastor slides

Univision’s video, “Without Me,” about Latino demographics in L.A.

Get the Reports and Studies:

Forecast Report

Latinos in LA County Economic Profile

Read the media coverage:

LA Times

Southern California News Group’s 11 newspapers

LA Business Journal

Fox & Hounds

KPCC Radio (NPR)


Please provide your feedback in this brief survey if you attended the Forecast.

Thanks again to our sponsors! 


Thanks again to our speakers!

  • Steven Wieting, Managing Director and Citi Bank’s Global Chief Investment Strategist
  • Dr. Manuel Pastor, Professor, Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity; Director, USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE); Director, USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII)
  • Dr. Christine Cooper, Senior Vice President, Institute for Applied Economics, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation
  • Chiqui Cartagena, Senior Vice President, Political & Advocacy Group, Univision Communications, Inc.
  • Charlie Echeverry, Chief Revenue Officer, mitú,
  • Octavio Herrera, Co-founder and EVP of Lucid Sight, Inc.
  • Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development, California Community Colleges
  • Frank Mottek, the Voice of Business Radio in Los Angeles, KNX AM Radio

View all the event photos here.

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