LA Venture Capital Landscape, Trends, Companies On The Move

At our LAEDC board meeting 3/15, members gained insights from Stage Venture Partners on sources of funding, local trends for investment, the entrepreneurial landscape, growing public companies in Los Angeles County, and some analysis of the gaps that must be filled in our local capital market to allow companies to grow. The presentation (see right) offers some broad brush strokes that summarize main points offered by the Stage Venture Partners Co-Founders.
The meeting also included a deep dive into two of the most important industry clusters in Los Angeles, which are creating the well-paying jobs of the future.
Advanced Transportation and Aerospace & Defense. HyperLoop One provided an update on the company’s progress and potential export markets for their high-speed transportation system, and noted that they have been hiring engineers and designers at a rate of 25 per month. The SoCal Aerospace Council asked the audience to support SoCal Aerospace Days to help inform our elected officials of the importance of supporting this industry cluster which sustains tens of thousands of well-paying jobs in L.A. County.
To learn more about the importance of fostering job growth in these export-oriented industry clusters, please scan the Strategic Plan for Economic Development, which is gaining implementation support through a major funding success and the hiring of Marianne Haver Hill at LAEDC.
During the Board of Governors meeting, LAEDC welcomed new members:
Kroll, providing cyber investigations, incident response, breach notifications, as well as consulting services to mitigate risk relating to fraud, impropriety and compliance
Universal Technical Institute, the leading provider of post-secondary education for careers in professional automotive, diesel, collision repair, motorcycle and marine technicians
Rider Levett Bucknall, a leading independent firm in cost management and quantity surveying, project management and advisory services
DeanHouston, Inc., a full-service, business-to-business integrated marketing communications firm
Cingular, which provides businesses the opportunity to control their labor costs by outsourcing their existing or future workforce
Expense Reduction Analysts, a worldwide network of more than 700 consultants in 30 countries specializing in delivering extra cash flow for mid-sized companies through cost reduction
Consider membership with LAEDC to connect with these conversations and our region’s leaders. Membership enables LAEDC to continue its vital work of guiding the economy through the transitions that are occurring, to raise standards of living for all L.A. County residents. Learn more HERE and contact Elsa Flores, VP of Strategic Relations at 213-236-4815, or