Treasurer Chiang Presents New CBIG Website at LAEDC Board Meeting

California Treasurer John Chiang speaks at LAEDC board meeting

New California Business Incentives Gateway connects California incentives to businesses.

At the March LAEDC Board of Governor’s meeting, LAEDC members learned from Treasurer John Chiang about the new State of California incentives website, California Business Incentives Gateway (CBIG), an interactive and intelligent website which brings to light a comprehensive listing of the business incentives offered by the state, local and federal governments to help businesses locate and succeed in California.  The site is well designed.  For example, as you search for incentives, the site recommends similar incentives that might be a fit for your business, similar to the way popular shopping websites recommend related products.

Also at the meeting, LAEDC welcomed new members, Alvarez & Marsal, Sentinel Peak Resources, New Capital LLC, and Stage Venture Partners.


LAEDC CEO Bill Allen and Chair Jodie Lesh thank Treasurer John Chiang for participating in LAEDC’s board meeting.

Rob Vickery, Stage Venture Partners announces the venture capital firm has joined LAEDC as a new member

Sentinel Peak Resources became an LAEDC member, with Amanda Parsons representing the firm

Alvarez & Marsal became an LAEDC member, and Director Matt McLeary spoke briefly about the firm’s global corporate consulting and advisory services

Bea Stotzer, CEO of New Capital LLC, now an LAEDC member, discusses her property management company focused on affordable housing, which reinvests its profit into social equity programs and New Economics for Women.
 Photo credit: Pablo Martinez, LAEDC intern


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