LAEDC’s Bill Allen honored with the Fernando award


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On October 7th, Bill Allen, CEO of LAEDC became the 60th recipient of the Fernando award, which has since 1959 been the most prestigious award for civic stewardship and volunteer service to the community in the San Fernando Valley.

“I am deeply humbled by this recognition, particularly because I work every day at the LAEDC with so many other civic stewards and community volunteers who inspire me as they help us collectively advance opportunity and prosperity for all of our neighbors across the region.“

LAEDC thanks the Fernando Award Foundation for this well deserved recognition for Bill Allen, and for the Foundation’s work celebrating volunteer service for many important causes in the region.

Allen’s name will be etched in the base of the Fernando monument located in the Van Nuys Civic Center and on a marble obelisk in Warner Center Park, along with the names of prior award recipients.

Read coverage in the San Fernando Valley Business Journal:




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