How is LA’s infrastructure really doing? New AECOM report

AECOM this week unveiled a striking report on LA’s infrastructure challenges, opportunities and needs.  AECOM, an LA-based, global company is one of the world’s foremost, integrated builders of infrastructure (Design-Build-Finance-Operate, aka DBFO), and are involved with projects spanning from roads, bridges, rail, water, power, to buildings and sports complexes.

The report surveyed public opinion on the state of infrastructure, with an edition focused on Los Angeles.  The report is grouped into four themes to gather insight into the public’s infrastructure needs and ambitions for the industry: satisfaction, engagement, innovation and resilience.  The report also explores the future of “mobility as a service” and other changes that are quickly reshaping our infrastructure needs

“Residents of cities around the world want greater say in infrastructure planning, and they are growing impatient with delays in the delivery of modern infrastructure systems that can improve mobility, connectivity and quality of life,’’ says AECOM Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael S. Burke. “Their views should be a call to action for wider government engagement, and new public and private partnerships that can advance ideas, funding and advocacy, and speed the projects that lead to growth and urban well-being.”

The survey’s results showed that while every city has its own distinct identity, people around the world share similar views and experiences with their infrastructure. While city dwellers have a positive outlook for the future, they are also restless for action to improve their infrastructure immediately. They are stressed when using public transportation and want their cities to be greener, safer and better connected. Most importantly, they want to have a voice in how infrastructure systems are planned, paid for, developed and operated.

Read the results for the greater Los Angeles region are included on page 10 and throughout the report.

The report can be downloaded at no cost, HERE.

AECOM is an LAEDC member, and the report’s discussion of resilience coincides with LAEDC’s recent focus on business resilience (see our new earthquake guide for businesses).

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