LAEDC offers recommendations to Community Colleges in report

Community Colleges at a Crossroads: Market assessment and a call to action, is a report developed by LAEDC in collaboration with the 19 community colleges in the LA region, as part of our partnership in Center for a Competitive Workforce. This report provides analysis of the changing educational landscape, and offers recommendations to increase the ability of the LA Area community colleges to be highly successful.
The report is posted at the CCW website, and we encourage community college leaders and staff, educators, workforce development professionals and other interested audiences to visit the CCW website for more information about this report, and to engage with CCW.
CCW links education and workforce partners to establish high-performing regional talent development systems in the Los Angeles region for the rapidly changing industries that will dominate our economic future. The center’s work addresses the talent gaps employers face and the supply of skilled talent to meet projected workforce demand. CCW was founded as a Strong Workforce Program regional project of the 19 community colleges in the Los Angeles region, the L.A./O.C. Center of Excellence for Labor Market Research (COE), and the LAEDC and its Institute of Applied Economics.
CCW has several work streams:
- Labor Market Analysis
- Industry Councils
- Regional Program Advisory Meetings
- Work-Based Learning Partnerships
- Company Visits and Career Videos
- Workforce and Education Partners Portal
- Bioscience Industry Portal