LAEDC Members: WEDNESDAY Hear VC Trends, Aerospace Push, Hyperloop Progess


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This Wednesday, 3/15 LAEDC Members will hear Venture Capital experts, a preview of SoCal Aerospace Days, and Hyperloop One’s progress report on overseas customers, at the LAEDC Board of Governor’s meeting.   The program will include three distinct pieces of L.A.’s export-oriented economy, which are creating the well-paying jobs of the future.  We look at Venture Capital, including investment which is fueling growth of High Tech companies in L.A., we preview SoCal Aerospace Days which is fostering support for well-paying jobs in the key Aerospace sector, and we look at one of the region’s most exciting Advanced Transportation companies, Hyperloop One, to hear about their progress with export opportunities around the world.  LAEDC continues to foster growth of these and other key export-oriented industry clusters in L.A. County, which will increase economic opportunity and regional prosperity for our region’s residents.

We welcome;

Stage Venture Partners co-founders Rob Vickery and Alex Rubalcava
  • Stage Venture Partners‘ founders to speak about top trends in VC funding in L.A.
  • Mike Quindazzi co-chair of SoCal Aerospace Council, who will preview SoCal Aerospace Days, and the mobilization of elected officials to support growth of good jobs in aerospace,
  • Marvin Ammori, General Counsel of Hyperloop One will provide an update on overseas customers for its Advanced Transportation solutions.

The meeting is open to all LAEDC members and their guests.  Doors open 3/15 at 7:30am, program at 8:00am, ending at 9:30am. Please RSVP to Jessica Bevel at LAEDC.  More details on the meeting can be found HERE.



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