CCW Report: Information & Communications Technology Industry & its Workforce

Through LAEDC’s partnership in Center for a Competitive Workforce, a new report has been released on the fast-growing occupations in the local ICT industry, which includes among other sectors, motion picture and video production industries and computer programming services. The report, titled The Information and Communications Technology Industry and its Workforce in the Los Angeles Basin, is designed for our region’s community college faculty and students, as well as other talent development professionals.
This is the 11th report in the series, and serves to support workforce development, and in particular the region’s Community College system as it develops closer ties with industry, drives work-based learning opportunities and better positions students for well-paying middle-skill careers.
During the past decade, real wages in ICT grew by 21.2 percent overall, far outpacing wage growth across all industries. The ICT industry employs 341,610 payroll workers across all educational attainment levels in the Los Angeles Basin (2017); there will be over 200,000 total job openings over the next five years.
Three component industries employ the bulk of these workers: motion picture and video production industries, which accounted for nearly one-third of total industry employment; corporate, subsidiary and regional managing offices, which accounted for a quarter of all industry employment; and custom computer programming services. Much of the job growth in ICT can be attributed to increases in the electronic shopping and internet publishing industries.
Which occupations hold potential? What are the wages and skills requirements? Learn more by reviewing the report.
Read the report at the CCW website here: CompetitiveWorkforce.LA/ict