First of its Kind Earthquake Guide for Businesses Is Released by LAEDC

Specific recommendations likely to save many businesses and jobs in the region.

Download the guide at, or a Spanish version of the guide at

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) has released a guide to help businesses prepare for the next big one, with specific actions that can be taken now to better insulate operations from the destructive power of large earthquakes.  Many businesses seriously impacted by a major earthquake never reopen, but with this guide LAEDC aims to change the script and protect businesses — and by extension their employees – from the effects of a large earthquake.

Steps in the guide cover financial, IT and facility resiliency, as well as employee, supplier and customer communications, drawing from the latest innovations in technology and financial tools, all designed to protect data and critical business systems from loss.  In particular, the guide encourages businesses to utilize the cloud for data backup and hosting of applications so that many processes can continue if the office is dark and employees are stuck at home.

“Organizations today are incredibly dependent on IT systems and data infrastructure, compared to 1994 when the Northridge Quake occurred.  But the good news is that powerful new tools have become available in the past five years that really help data resiliency and business continuity,” said Bill Allen, CEO of LAEDC.  “The trick is that businesses need to act now and use these tools to safeguard their future.”

“We all know that large earthquakes are an inevitable part of the future of Los Angeles, but this guide can help your business not be one of the permanent losers,” noted Dr. Lucy Jones, Seismologist and Founder of the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society, who also contributed content to the guide.

Topline recommendations are to DROP reliance on on-premise computer servers that might become damaged, COVER your immediate cashflow needs after a quake, and HOLD ON to your employee productivity via telecommuting.  All of these steps require action prior to an earthquake event.

Wells Fargo generously sponsored printing of the guide and Luanna Lindsey, Senior Vice President, Small Business Leader of Wells Fargo added, “We are proud to support LAEDC in bringing these tips to business owners to allow them to continue running, growing and thriving.”

The guide is available at no cost, as part of LAEDC’s public-benefit mission, to help ensure that the economy is more resilient, businesses remain strong, and employees in the region receive needed paychecks in the weeks following a major earthquake.  The recommendations will also put readers in a better position to overcome other disasters such as wildfires.

Download the guide at, or a Spanish version of the guide at

LAEDC would like to thank the two dozen organizations which collectively wrote the guide, with special thanks to Marissa Aho, City of Los Angeles Chief Resiliency Officer in the Office of Mayor Garcetti, and Dr. Lucy Jones.


Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) is collectively advancing opportunity and prosperity for all. This is achieved via collaborative economic development leadership, objective economic research and analysis, strategic assistance to business, education and government partners, and targeted public policy. LAEDC was established in 1981 as a public-benefit, private nonprofit.


Media contact: Lawren Markle, LAEDC Director of Public Relations,, 213-236-4847

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