28th Annual Eddy Awards

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About the Eddy’s

The Eddy Awards is a cocktail reception, dinner, and awards gala to support the fulfillment of the LAEDC’s mission of reinventing our economy to collaboratively advance growth and prosperity for all. Join us to celebrate economic reinvention, while we work together to create more equity and inclusion in our diverse communities.

We are also pleased to present the Most Business-Friendly City Award live on November 8th on the field at SoFi Stadium. Each year, more than 600 of the region’s leading business, government, civic, and education leaders attend this annual event.

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Eddy Awards MC

We are excited to share that the night’s Emcee will be LA’s iconic journalist and news anchor Alex Cohen! Alex Cohen is the political anchor at Spectrum News 1 and serves as the host of the nightly public affairs television program “Inside the Issues” and the weekly podcast of the same name.

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Alex Cohen

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Political Anchor,
Spectrum News 1
Host, Inside the Issues

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Honorary Dinner Committee

  • Alex Padilla, United States Senator
  • Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor, First District, LA County Board of Supervisors
  • Holly J. Mitchell, Supervisor, Second District, LA County Board of Supervisors
  • Lindsey P. Horvath, Supervisor, Third District, LA County Board of Supervisors
  • Janice Hahn, Supervisor, Fourth District, LA County Board of Supervisors
  • Halé Behzadi, Board Chair, LAEDC and Head of Private Banking, Citi Global Wealth
  • Efrain Escobedo, Vice Chair, LAEDC and President & CEO, Center For Nonprofit Management
  • Ron Frierson, Vice Chair, LAEDC and Director of Economic Development, U.S. West Region, Amazon