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Aug 9

DME Council Meeting

August 9, 2018 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

At this meeting we will discuss the skills development and talent pipeline provisions in AB 1734, the recently reauthorized California Film Tax Credit. This will be a friendly conversation about what we can all do to best serve the constituents served by the Center for Competitive Workforce and the LA/OC Consortium and provide diverse career pathways into Digital Media and Entertainment.

(e) (1) (A) Subject to the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the California Film Commission shall adopt rules and regulations to implement a pilot Career Pathways Training program including a fee to be paid by the qualified taxpayer, if the qualified taxpayer receives a credit under this section, to fund technical skills training to individuals from underserved communities for entry into film and television industry jobs.


 Kevin KlowdenExecutive Director, Milken Institute – Center for Regional Economics and California Center

Mr. Klowden specializes in the study of key factors that underlie the development of competitive regional economies (clusters of innovation, patterns of trade and investment, and concentration of skilled labor), and how these are influenced by public policy and in turn affect regional economies. On a national level, he is heavily involved in issues of capital access for small business, including serving on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Trade Finance Advisory Committee as co-chair…More Info on Kevin Klowden

 Amy Lemisch, Executive Director, California Film Commission

As Executive Director of the California Film Commission, Amy Lemisch oversees the state’s efforts to facilitate motion picture, television and commercial production. Her responsibilities include administering California’s Film & Television Tax Credit Program and coordinating with all levels of government to create jobs, increase production spending, and generate tax revenues statewide…More Info on Amy Lemisch

 Nancy Rae Stone, Director, California Film Commission
Nancy Rae Stone’s experience as a producer and motion picture executive provides invaluable background for her work at the California Film Commission, where she serves as director of the state’s Film & TV Tax Credit Program.
Since 2009, Ms. Stone has been instrumental in developing the structure and regulatory provisions for both the heritage program and Program 2.0, which has generated collectively more than $12.4 billion in production spending statewide…More Info on Nancy Rae Stone 
For additional information, please contact Alicia Walker at alicia.walker@laedc.org


August 9, 2018
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Categories:


Milken Institute
1250 Fourth Street
Santa Monica,CA90401United States
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Alicia Walker
Alicia Walker