Nominate Small Businesses for mini-MBA on Raising Capital and Growth Strategy

Deadline is fast approaching – 7/26!  

Small businesses often have trouble getting bank loans and developing growth strategies, but ICCC is accepting nominations for a no-cost “mini-MBA” all-day seminar and one-on-one coaching.

The program provides inner-city businesses with the knowledge and techniques to better position their companies to obtain loans, and develop a strategy for investing their new capital to increase the impact and scale of their businesses.

We need your help nominating businesses for this stellar program!

Since 2005, alumni of the Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC) program have had an average of 172% growth in revenue, created more than 15,000 jobs and raised $1.4 billion in capital. By ensuring its alumni succeed, ICCC promotes sustainable business growth in underserved communities across the country.

ICCC is designed for busy executives of all expertise levels, and its impact is proven to strengthen businesses and the inner-city communities where they operate. It helps bridge the gap for the 75% of inner-city businesses that are in need of capital, but that cite lack of knowledge and relationships as key barriers to obtaining it.  ICCC is especially interested in helping women-owned, minority-owned and veteran-owned small businesses, among the many types of business it helps.

View a short video about an LA-based small business that was nominated and accepted into the program.  Then, help us get more small business nominated!

Amerisal Food Distributors

Nominations can be completed HERE.  Deadline for nominations is July 26, 2018!!!

LAEDC recommends this program, and we owe great thanks to Kaiser Permanente for leading regional efforts to make the program possible and help ICCC gain awareness and grow in Los Angeles.  The program is operated by ICIC, whose mission is to drive economic prosperity in America’s inner cities through private sector investment to create jobs, income and wealth for local residents.

Qualifications for nominations:

  • Be an independent for-profit or not-for-profit
    corporation, partnership or proprietorship
  • Meet one of the following requirements:
    Have its headquarters or more than 51% of its
    physical operations located in an economically distressed
  • Have more than 40% of employees residing in an
    economically-distressed area
  • Have been in operation for two years or more.
    (ICCC does not accept start-up companies)

Learn more by visiting the ICIC webpage for Los Angeles:

Read the 2017 ICCC Impact Report for more information:

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