LAEDC Uniting Cities to Attract Amazon

LAEDC Attracting Amazon

LAEDC Attracting AmazonAmazon recently announced its intention to build a new second headquarters (“Amazon HQ2”) with projected employment of 50,000 new full-time well-paying direct jobs once fully built out and operational. Based on Amazon’s express criteria, as described in the RFP released from its Office of Economic Development, as well as what we know about Amazon’s business and workforce, we believe that our region has all the assets to develop, deliver and execute on a successful proposal.

But, it will take all of us coming together to organize and mount a determined regional effort.  Amazon is requesting one proposal per MSA (Metro Statistical Region), which increases the importance of working together on a single, outstanding collaborative proposal which highlights all of the greater region’s strengths.

Listen to LAEDC’s Bill Allen discuss the Amazon proposal on KNX radio with host Frank Mottek

Given the immense regional economic benefits associated with this project, the County of Los Angeles and its economic development organization, the LAEDC, have assembled a Regional Economic Development (RED) Team—led by the LAEDC’s award-winning Business Assistance Team with more than 130 years of combined experience in business attraction and retention—to mobilize all of the region’s key stakeholders and partners to develop and submit a single winning L.A. Region proposal.

LAEDC’s work—in unison with key partners—of convening stakeholders for the purpose of attracting businesses to the region has proven successful time-and-again over the past 35 years attracting major new entrants into the LA market, such as Virgin Galactic, BYD and Mercedes Benz USA, along with attracting or retaining thousands of other businesses supporting over 210,000 direct jobs in L.A. County. For this proposal, LAEDC will coalesce and bring to bear our region’s unparalleled strengths in a way that will be difficult for Amazon to pass up with this HQ2 opportunity.

To this end, the LAEDC will convene a meeting this week with leaders from the cities, County and Economic Development partners to begin to structure a single proposal for the Los Angeles MSA. It is only through the combined strength of our region that we have the best chance for success. Stay tuned to, our social media channels and emails for additional updates.

Read media coverage about our work to attract Amazon here (San Gabriel Valley Tribune) , here (LA Times), here (LA Business Journal) and on KNX radio in these two segments (1) and (2).

For those interested in participating in the development of the proposal, please contact Carrie Rogers, SVP of Business Assistance and Development at LAEDC, by email:


“We believe that our region has all the assets to develop, deliver and execute on a successful proposal. But, it will take all of us coming together to organize and mount a determined regional effort.”

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