Latest 7.1 earthquake serves as reminder: Is your organization prepared?

The shaking that Angelenos felt during the recent 7.1 was very mild compared to what we will eventually experience in a closer, large earthquake on the San Andreas Fault.  And with strong, sustained shaking in Los Angeles we will see utility outages, structural damage and a potentially large impact on data and IT systems that are the lifeblood of your organization. The great news is, We can prepare for that quite well!  Let’s use this tremor as a reminder to take some first steps THIS WEEK.

The best way to start is to visit the Outsmart Disaster website, operated by State of California as a resource, and enter your email address and review the Business Resilience Challenge there.  Look for the green “Start Here” button, and enter your information.  This is a fantastic resource and your tax dollars at work.  LAEDC is a partner with the program.

A great additional resource is LAEDC’s step-by-step recommendations, “Preparing for Business after an Earthquake,” which can be accessed online at .  We have taken all the mystery out of preparation…very specific steps that are easy to take today.  Many of the recommendation address data and IT systems, and the opportunity to insulate yourselves from ground shaking by moving data to the cloud.

Thanks for making preparedness a priority.  The future of your business depends on it.  Your employees also need the jobs you provide, and your prep work will increase the likelihood that they will still have paychecks and are able to recover from the earthquake too.

Read the LA Times article mentioning LAEDC’s guide.

Listen to a synopsis of the tips on the recent Mottek on Money show on KNX AM radio, hosted by Frank Mottek.  The segment starts at the 10:45 mark.

Read an overview of  the guide published in San Gabriel Valley Tribune and its 11 newspaper affiliates in the greater LA Basin.

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