Report on Talent Demand & Supply Due at ‘Future Forum’

A report will pair data about college grads with data about business needs, to expose opportunities to teach new skills and facilitate more partnerships between business and colleges.  The report, the first from Center for a Competitive Workforce, will be released Tuesday, October 3rd at 8:00am, in Downtown Los Angeles, thanks to the funding from Strong Workfore, a program of the California Community College Chancellor’s office. AssemblyWoman Autumn Burke (D62), along with other officials who direct workforce development programs, will offer insights.

Immediately afterwards, the program begins for Future Forum: The Future of Work, during which experts will discuss the wave of coming automation, as well as the opportunities to create well-paying jobs in the face of unprecedented economic changes.

Listen to LAEDC’s Bill Allen describe the event on KNX radio, hosted by Frank Mottek

For those involved in talent development, as well as businesses facing skills gaps or needing supply of talent, this morning offers opportunity to engage and make progress on your priorities, while hearing how the skills and competencies are changing as we look ahead.




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