Workshops, webinars, new guides, and free resources… Make this the month you take action to protect your organization from earthquakes and other disasters!
Sept 11: Creating a Safer LA County (Culver City), hosted free by BizFed, with various expert speakers including LAEDC, who will discuss business resilience, how to reduce risk, and new tools available to organizations. Topics will include: Building Resilient Communities, Update on State/Local Requirements to Upgrade Building Safety, Liability Risks for Businesses/Building Owners, Expert Engineering and Advanced Technology, Best Practices for Keeping Your Building Safe, Economics for Earthquake Safety, LA County Sustainability Plan, LA County Business Preparedness Plan, SCAG’s Connect SoCal Plan. LINK
Sept 13: Emergency Resiliency Summit (Manhattan Beach), hosted free by Institute for Sustainability and LA County, where LAEDC will be among the speakers. A meeting of LA County business leaders and disaster response & recovery professionals, highlighting how the private sector can be prepared for the potential disasters we face in Southern California. Meet key leaders at the local, state and federal level who focus on how to ensure full economic recovery for our community when a disaster strikes. LINK
Sept 25: Creating a Safer LA County (Torrance), hosted free by BizFed (same description as earlier) LINK
Sept 26: LAEDC free webinar (online) at 10am about the Resilient Business Challenge and LAEDC’s guide, Preparing for Business after an Earthquake (email:
Oct 10: Creating a Safer LA County (DTLA), hosted free by BizFed (same description as earlier) LINK
Oct 23: Creating a Safer LA County (San Fernando Valley), hosted free by BizFed (same description as earlier) LINK
Nov 6: Creating a Safer LA County (South Pasadena), hosted free by BizFed (same description as earlier) LINK