LAEDC takes EV data to Sacramento to inform legislator decisions


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LAEDC’s Judy Kruger and Collette Hanna traveled to Sacramento to provide testimony and analysis on key economic public policy issues, focused on EVs and Opportunity Zones.

Judy provided legislators with early access to data from LAEDC’s upcoming report on the Electric Vehicle industry in Southern California and across the state.  The report reveals a strong industry cluster in the state creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, and provides public policy options to help that industry thrive and increase the rate of EV adoption, which is one of California’s most direct paths to reducing GHG emissions.

As part of this, Judy provided testimony at the CARB board meeting regarding ZEV Programs and Policies per SB 498, stating LAEDC’s support for all the policies and programs that CARB will be executing under SB498, and asked that CARB additionally partner with the LAEDC under CARBS ZEV programs to:

  • Partner and fund California SmartMatch – B2B matchmaking programs (including minority, disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran, and HUB zoned businesses with OEMS)
  • Partner and fund a State of California on-line directory of small businesses to support the production demands and tariff mitigation needed for the ZEV companies
  • Partner and fund an education and minority small business certification program for compliance with FTA requirements for electric buses
  • Partner and fund a marketing program to grow the cluster and promote “Buy California Made EVs”

She also met with staff of numerous legislators on related issues.

Collette Hanna focused her meetings on the topic of Opportunity Zones, and recommended that the state conform California tax treatment with federal tax treatment, under California’s version of the Opportunity Zone program, only for investments into businesses that are situated / sited in a qualified opportunity zone.  This investment incentive can make a significant positive impact in economically disadvantaged communities, and state tax conformance is highly recommended.

To participate in these conversations, you can reach Collette at and Judy Kruger at

LAEDC also encourages you to contact your California representatives to ask them to support these issues.


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