SCAG features LAEDC Economic Update for LA County, preview of EV industry report

SCAG’s no-miss annual Economic Summit featured LAEDC economist Eric Hayes delivering an update on the economy, and Judy Kruger talked about LAEDC’s perspectives on the EV and advanced mobility industries in LA, as a precursor to release of the LAEDC report on LA’s EV industry, due to be published in late January.
Great details are available at the SCAG website HERE and we encourage you to visit the site and find great materials there, including additional economic updates for other areas of Southern California.
You can also download the LA County portion of the SCAG report HERE.

At the event, Metrolink CEO Stephanie Wiggins previewed the LAEDC economic impact report on the Metrolink SCORE project, which is due out this next week, providing estimates of the job creation resulting from the upcoming SCORE capital improvement project. That will be posted on the LAEDC website in short order.