Success Story: Orbit Event Rentals

Orbit Event Rentals
“Thank You for the tremendous help and resources you provide Small Family Businesses such as ours. Your call in March (our 32nd Business Anniversary) was the key that unlocked the resources we would eventually need, it was nothing short of a miracle. You stayed in touch with us regularly, provided information & guidelines for many new programs; PPP, Cares Act Relief, SBA Disaster Loan, Verizon Grant, Los Angeles County AJCC, LACAD and personally referred us to RISE Financial & LISC organizations to help us with the business loan process. More importantly, was your genuine concern for helping us succeed. This speaks volumes of your work ethic and commitment to the small business community. I am pleased to report that Friday, April 17th, our PPP Application was approved. We have since been able to call back 75% of our workers. We appreciate your effort to help guide us through troubled waters.”
– Nori Guerrero Sales/Marketing Director, Orbit Event Rentals