LAEDC strongly supports Governor Newsom’s budget proposal for Broadband

“LAEDC applauds Governor Newsom’s proposed $7 billion investment over three years to expand broadband infrastructure, increase affordability, and enhance access to broadband for All Californians.  Eliminating the digital divide is the sole focus of our LA Digital Equity Action League and we and our more than 100 partner organizations in LA DEAL look forward to working closely with the Governor and Legislature and California Public Utilities Commission to ensure that every California resident has access to affordable high speed Internet as soon as possible.” – Bill Allen, CEO of LAEDC

Learn more about how LAEDC is championing broadband internet for all at the website of LA Digital Equity Action League, an initiative led by LAEDC and UNITE-LA, which includes resources and opportunities to engage on the important topic of eliminating the digital divide for good in LA County.

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